Dr. Fred Schmidt Continuous Quality Improvement Director, NORPIC NORPIC Associate Director for Children's Centre Thunder Bay Dr. Schmidt is a clinical psychologist with a sub-specialty in child-clinical and forensic psychology, practicing at the Children’s Centre Thunder Bay. He provides clinical services within the children’s mental health, youth justice, and child welfare systems. Dr. Schmidt also holds an adjunct position in the Psychology Department at Lakehead University where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses. He also supervises graduate students during clinical placements at the Children’s Centre Thunder Bay and carries on an active program of research with graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Schmidt strongly adheres to a clinician-scientist practice model of Evidence Informed Practice, primarily using a CBT theoretical orientation to intervention with children and families. |
Dr. Wendy Lindstrom-Forneri Professional Practice Leader, NORPIC Dr. Wendy Lindstrom-Forneri completed a Master’s degree at Lakehead University, and obtained a Ph.D. in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Victoria. In 2009, she completed her internship in London, ON with the London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium. Dr. Lindstrom-Forneri has experience with adults and geriatrics, in both clinical and neuropsychology. |
Dr. Sara Hagstrom Director of Training, NORPIC Dr. Hagstrom completed her undergraduate degree at Lakehead University in 2002 and her Masters and Ph.D in Clinical Psychology at the University of Windsor graduating in 2007. She completed her residency with the Clinical Health Psychology program with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba and starting working with St. Joseph’s Care Group in the fall of 2007. Dr. Hagstrom is comfortable working within CBT, DBT, IPT, Psychodynamic, and Short Term Crisis Intervention Frameworks. Dr. Hagstrom spends her time at work ensuring NORPIC is running smoothly and also as the Regional and Clinical Training Lead for the Northwestern Ontario Region for the Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program. Sara is an Assistant Professor with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, on the Canadian Psychological Association Board as a partner representative for the Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs, and serves on the executive of the Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs. When not working, Dr. Hagstrom enjoys teaching her twins the secret to good cooking, traveling, intense board game competitions, and spending time outdoors. To learn more about Dr. Hagstrom's supervision style and experience, please read her Professional Disclosure Statement. |
Dr. Kirsti Toivonen NORPIC Associate Director for St. Joseph's Care Group Psychologist - Chronic Pain Management Program Dr. Toivonen completed her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at University of Calgary and her clinical residency at the Northern Ontario Psychology Internship Consortium in 2021. Dr. Toivonen grew up in Thunder Bay and is happy to be back working in her hometown. In her current role in the Chronic Pain Management Program she works with individuals with chronic pain providing a range of psychological services (e.g. psychodiagnostic assessments, individual and group therapy, consultation, and quality improvement initiatives). Dr. Toivonen draws primarily from cognitive-behavioural therapy, integrating acceptance-based and interpersonally-focused approaches. In her personal time, Dr. Toivonen enjoys weightlifting, art, and spending time outside. |
Dr. Julie Riendeau NORPIC Associate Director for Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Psychologist - Bariatric Clinic Dr. Riendeau obtained her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Lakehead University and completed her residency with the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. She uses primarily a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) approach; however, she also has training and experience in other approaches including mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). Dr. Riendeau works at the Thunder Bay Regional Bariatric Care Centre where she conducts assessments, provides individual psychotherapy, and develops and delivers lifestyle management classes for those seeking treatment for weight management. |
Dr. Jennifer Sullivan NORPIC Associate Director for Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology Psychologist and Clinic Owner - Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology Dr. Sullivan obtained her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Lakehead University in 2002. She completed her internship at St. Joseph’s Care Group in the Mental Health Outpatients Program and continued to work with MHOP for several years after her internship. Dr. Sullivan entered private practice in 2007 on a full-time basis, and has spent the past 15 years establishing a large group practice. Dr. Sullivan is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario with competencies in assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults in clinical psychology. She is the Clinical Director of Sullivan + Associates and splits her time between clinical work, administrative duties, and supervision of doctoral interns, and psychologists and psychological associates who are completing their supervised practice year. She is a strong advocate for strengths-based assessments, and a user-friendly report writing style. Regarding treatment, Dr. Sullivan primarily utilizes a cognitive-behavioural therapy approach, incorporating aspects of other therapies, such as mindfulness and DBT. |
Dr. Christopher Mushquash NORPIC Associate Director for Dilico Anishinabek Family Care Psychologist - Dilico Anishinabek Family Care Dr. Christopher Mushquash is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Lakehead University, and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Clinical Psychologist at Dilico Anishinabek Family Care, Associate Vice President Research at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, and Chief Scientist at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute. He is a Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Mental Health and Addiction, with expertise in rural and northern clinical practice and the development of culturally appropriate interventions for mental health and addiction difficulties in First Nations children, adolescents, and adults. He is an academic researcher and Indigenous scholar who was born and raised in rural Northwestern Ontario. He is Ojibway, and a member of Pays Plat First Nation. |
![]() | Dr. Samantha Chong NORPIC Associate Director for Education Psychologist - Eating Disorder Program Dr. Samantha Chong completed her MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology at Lakehead University and her residency at Eastern Health in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The foundation of her theoretical orientation is Cognitive Behavioural Theory and integrates a range of evidence-based interventions that complement her CBT approach (e.g., Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Emotion Focused Therapy). She delivers interventions using a process-based orientation whereby she helps clients to build present-moment, interpersonal awareness and explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours as they occur in the context of the therapeutic relationship. Dr. Chong has worked with St. Joseph’s Care Group since September 2021 and currently works at the Eating Disorders Program. In this role, she provides group and individual therapy and psychological assessments to adolescents and adults experiencing an eating disorder and comorbid mental health concerns. Aligned with the scientist-practitioner model, she also conducts program evaluation and is intricately involved with the development of the program through ongoing consultation with clients, the EDP team, and clinicians in the province. Dr. Chong also previously worked at the Mental Health Outpatient Program completing comprehensive cognitive and psychodiagnostic assessments, group therapy, and individual therapy with adult clients experiencing mental health concerns spanning mood, anxiety, trauma, psychosis, obsessive-compulsive, and personality. Outside of work, Dr. Chong enjoys spending time with her family and friends, sailing on Lake Superior, hiking, cross-country skiing, playing guitar, and attending music festivals. |
Melissa Pye, Psychologist, MA NORPIC Associate Director for Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority Psychologist - Nodin Mental Health Services Melissa Pye is a registered Psychologist, MA, currently completing her PhD through Lakehead University. She works for the Sioux Lookout First Nations Healthy Authority (SLFNHA) in the Nodin department, which is their mental health division that serves clients across the lifespan. The role of psychology at Nodin involves consultation, assessment, and treatment. Prior to joining Nodin, Melissa was employed at Children’s Centre Thunder Bay (2007-2018) where she focused on Youth Justice, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and Short-Term Residential Services. Melissa is also an adoption competent therapist who helps families navigate the complexities of attachment, trauma, and loss when families are formed through adoption, kinship care, and customary care. Melissa has been a trainer for the Pathways to Permanence 2 program through the Adoption Council of Ontario (ACO) for the last several years. |
Dr. Nichole Faller NORPIC Associate Director for FIREFLY Psychologist - Firefly Dr. Faller is a Registered Doctoral Psychologist who received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Regina in 2021. From 2020-2021, Dr. Faller completed a pre-doctoral residency with Northern Ontario Internship Consortium in Sioux Lookout, Ontario. During her residency, Dr. Faller worked with Indigenous peoples from remote communities in Northern Ontario. Dr. Faller is currently registered with the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists, College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario, and Psychological Association of Manitoba (pending). She is also a member of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Currently, Dr. Faller is the Director of the Psychology Training Clinic at the University of Regina and engages in private practice activities. Dr. Michelle Todorow NORPIC Associate Director for Wikwemikong Health Centre Clinical & Neuropsychologist - Wikwemikong Dr. Michelle Todorow is a licensed psychologist registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario to practice in clinical and neuropsychology with children and adolescents. She received her Masters and Doctorate degree from York University, and completed most of her clinical training at The Hospital for Sick Children and The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Dr. Todorow previously worked at Kinark Child and Family Services in various roles, including Staff Psychologist and interim Clinical Lead for the Child and Youth Mental Health Programs in the York and Simcoe regions. In addition to providing direct clinical services at Kinark, Dr. Todorow supervised teams of therapists, provided clinical oversight to day/live-in treatment programs, developed clinical programming, and served as team lead for several DBT programs. Currently, Dr. Todorow works part-time at Anishnawbe Health Toronto and has led their multidisciplinary FASD Diagnostic team since 2019. She is privileged to work closely with traditional healers and other community members, and is continually seeking out and integrating knowledge of Indigenous culture and practices into her clinical work. Dr. Todorow is also the Clinic Director at WellSpirit Psychology, a small private practice in North York. Dr. Todorow has experience working with children and youth presenting with a wide range of mental health and neurodevelopmental challenges (e.g., anxiety, depression, ADHD, LD, ASD, complex trauma). She has over a decade of research and clinical experience in the field of FASD, and this continues to be an area of passion for her today. Her clinical practice is rooted in a culturally-sensitive, trauma-informed, and strength-based model of care. Dr. Todorow is devoted to providing evidence-based therapies (e.g., CBT, DBT, MI) and adapting their delivery for neurodiverse children and youth with complex needs. |
Dr. Dona Delince Roy Child Psychologist - Timiskaming First Nation Health and Wellness Dr. Delince Roy is a registered psychologist. She completed her PhD in Clinical and Research Psychology at the University of Quebec in Montreal. Dr. Delince Roy completed her residency at the Montreal Children’s Hospital in 2016. She acquired her expertise over the past 15 years, working in private and public multidisciplinary settings where the best practices in psychology are applied. She currently has her own private practice where she offers cognitive behavior therapy to children who present with a variety of mental health conditions (ex: youth with neurodevelopmental disorders, anxiety, emotional and behavioral difficulties, interpersonal difficulties and trauma). Dr. Delince Roy is also part of a developmental program that operates as a multidisciplinary team at ELNA Medical pediatric clinic, offering assessments to young children with developmental difficulties. Finally, she is a lecturer at the University of Quebec in Montreal where she offers undergraduate and post graduate level courses on autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. She is passionate about the psychological well-being of children and their families and knowledge transfer. |